I am happy to say that a new version of KooRaRoo Media DLNA server has been released. It has many new features and also improvements and fixes as usual.
For a full release log, please see this forum thread: http://forum.kooraroo.com/showthread.php/548-KooRaRoo-Media-v1-6-1-is-now-available
One of the new features is the ability to look up movie information in the IMDB database. This feature is still experimental, so you may experience timeouts at certain times, but actually the more you search, the faster and better it will become :) So, don't be shy - try it out! It's not the default setting yet, but hopefully it will get there in one of the next updates.
As usual, all comments, suggestions and questions are happily replied to via http://support.kooraroo.com and/or the online community.